The above words of the Lord Jesus tell us among other wonderful things, that He is: "the life ..." Everyone is striving to make for themselves a life that is worth living. Most people feel that they have to succeed at something and be the best version of themselves that they possibly can be. Well, of course there isn't anything wrong with trying to do our best and achieve the highest we can, but it all goes wrong when that is our soul goal. Without the ability to see beyond the 'here and now' to the 'there and then'.
But when you know that all is well with your soul; when you understand that life is more than just getting through the phases of living, then you will see that the life of Jesus filling yours is what life is really all about!
"Looking for that blessed hope,
and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ."
Titus 2: 13
There is great cause for gladness to be found as we read these wonderful portions of the Bible.
The Lord is a cheerful giver. In fact He gives to such excess we would perhaps think He was giving 'over the top'!
Daily inspirational thoughts to help increase your appreciation and love of the Lord Jesus.
Thought Provoking Quotes
"The Spirit of God whets the appetite
by giving us a taste of what's ahead.
He puts a little of heaven in our hearts
so that we'll never settle for anything less"
C. Cairnes
“Faith, mighty faith the promise sees
and rests on that alone:
Laughs at impossibilities,
And says – It shall be done”
Charles Wesley