Island Games Jersey 2015
Hello, and welcome to this page. You may have found yourself here today because of a postcard you were given at one of the sports events that took place here in Jersey. This is a gift to you from us at Belmont Gospel Hall in St Helier. As you scroll down this page you will find a picture that is like the one you have on your card, and is accompanied with a very short message for you to think about. It concerns the value of your soul and the importance of making sure that all is well between your soul and God who loves you and wants the very best for you in life and in eternity. You will notice that there are four cards in this collection. You might be in possession of them all or you might like to see if you can acquire the others to make your collection complete. We trust that you will enjoy them and that they will serve as a fond memory of the event of the Island Games here in Jersey. |
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Corbiere Lighthouse Corbiere lighthouse with its unique location and sitting as it does at the extreme south west of the island must be one of the most photographed lighthouse in the British Isle. It also stakes the claim as being the most southerly of the United Kingdom’s Lighthouses. The lighthouse situated at the end of a causeway first came into use in 1874 and was the first in the British Isle to be built entirely of reinforced concrete. The beam from the light can be seen at a distance of eighteen miles out to sea on a clear night. How important are the lighthouses of the world all with their differing flash patterns as they warn ships of approaching danger and also providing a firm bearing for those mariners who go astray. How important are the lighthouses of the world all with their differing flash patterns as they warn ships of approaching danger and also providing a firm bearing for those mariners who go astray. The Bible, The Word of God is God’s guidebook given by Him to warn us about the danger and results of sin. It also points us to the Lord Jesus Christ who came into the world declaring: "I am the Light of the World; "I am come a light into the world." By His death upon a cross He made it possible for each one who trusts Him as Saviour to escape the jagged rocks of sin that lead to hell and be sure of Heaven as our eternal dwelling place when our journey here comes to an end.
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Gorey Castle Gorey Castle, or to give it its proper name Mount Orgueil has dominated the village of Gorey on Jerseys east coast for 800 years the original castle being built in 1212. In 1600 the then governor of Jersey Sir Walter Raleigh preserved the castle against the advise of others who were looking to demolish it in order to use its stone in the building of Elizabeth Castle at the entrance to St Helier Harbour. The castle was used as the islands main prison through to the end of the 17th century even receiving extradited prisoners from England. The Occupying German forces during the second world war extended its defensive capabilities, however unlike in other parts of the island they were careful to try and blend their constructions into the existing profile of the castle. The castle provided protection from any enemy army seeking to come ashore along Jersey’s Eastern shore. Its imposing presence provided the assurance of safety and security to the islands population. The Bible states: "The Name of the Lord In other words eternal security is only found in the Lord Jesus who could promise those who trust Him as Saviour, "I give unto them eternal life and they shall never perish." John 10: 28
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The Jersey Cow The small and versatile Jersey Cow was first recognised as a separate breed in 1700 and originally descended from French stock from Normandy. The Cow is recognised worldwide from its delicate attractive appearance and the rich creamy milk it produces. An old legend states that the Jersey prays each year on Christmas eve. According to this legend, the cows go down on their knees to give thanks for the birth of Christ, and any person who witnesses this event will die before the year is out! However ridiculous this legend seems, the Bible tells us about a coming time when: "... at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord." Philippians 2: 10. It is vital that you own Christ as your Saviour and Lord before that; for the warning comes from God: "It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgement." Hebrews 9: 27. How foolish it would be to neglect the well being of your soul hoping everything will turn out right in the end when God has intended for you to bow the knee in this life. God has only the very best to give to those who will humble themselves before Him. "Thou wilt shew me the path of life:
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St Aubin’s Bay The beautiful sweep of St Aubin’s Bay guarded by Elizabeth Castle to the East and St Aubin’s Fort to the West is the second largest bay in the Channel Islands after St Ouen. The little fishing village of St Aubin with it bustling restaurants, quaint harbour and steep roads running further into the Parish of St Brelade is a popular and pretty place to visit. It is from here the Railway Walk following the route of the old railway line to Corbiere commences. Across the bay is St Helier the capital of Jersey with its many shops, restaurants and financial institutions as well as its parliament building alongside Royal Square. However the beautiful vista of the bay hides dangerous rocks lurking just below the surface. Ships approach the harbour at St Helier with care along a particular channel to avoid these dangers. How we too need to be aware of the awful rocks of sin ready to sink us down under the wrath of God to hell. The Bible states: "The wages of Sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." Romans 6: 23. In order to save us from sin and make us fit for Heaven the Lord Jesus, God’s Son died upon a cross so that all who trust Him as Saviour can have eternal life. The Bible also declares: "The mighty God, We would therefore do very well to listen carefully to the message of salvation it contains and obey God's call to repent and trust in His beloved Son today.